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At home


At home

Read the info below to learn how homes contribute to the climate crisis and scroll down to tell the Assembly how they could change!

  • There are over 100,000 homes in Camden which account for a quarter of our CO2 emissions.
  • Gas consumption for heating and hot water is the main source of household CO2 emissions, producing almost twice as many emissions as electricity use in the average Camden home.
  • CO2 emissions from household electricity use have fallen significantly in Camden since 2005 because less coal and more renewable energy is powering the national electricity supply to our homes.
  • As more renewable sources of electricity are connected to the national grid, the emissions from gas heating and hot water will increase as a proportion of CO2 emissions in Camden homes.
  • Reducing the need for heating through insulation, and switching from gas boilers to renewable systems like solar water heating would be the most effective way of reducing CO2 emissions in the home.
  • Retrofitting homes to be more energy efficient in Camden is difficult because of the age of the housing stock. Over half of Camden has Conservation Area status which makes some changes, like external wall insulation, difficult to implement within planning rules.
  • Household lifestyle decisions can also make a big difference to CO2 emissions. Walking or cycling instead of using a car will reduce transport related emissions and improve local air quality. What you eat, buy, wear and the choices you make about flying all have a big impact - more about these in the My Country section.
  • Add your thoughts and ideas for actions below, or add them to our Camden Climate Map .

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