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In my neighbourhood


In my neighbourhood

Read the info below to learn how neighbourhoods contribute to the climate crisis and scroll down to tell the Assembly how they could change!

  • In our neighbourhoods, the sources of CO2 emissions extend from homes to include buildings such as businesses, institutions and schools. Around two-thirds of CO2 emissions in Camden come from this "non-domestic" sector - the 3rd highest proportion in London.
  • Buildings are the main source of CO2 emissions at a neighbourhood level. Older buildings have high heating requirements. Newer buildings such as office blocks, tend to use more electricity for air conditioning, computing and lighting etc.
  • The Camden Climate Change Alliance works with businesses, schools and institutions to help them reduce CO2 emissions. Groups such as Power-up North London develop renewable energy projects with community buildings to help reduce their CO2 emissions.
  • Financing CO2 reduction is a major obstacle with an additional £380million of investment required to get us towards halving CO2 emissions in Camden from 2005 levels.
  • Low energy lighting, insulation for older buildings, renewable energy systems, community energy projects and zero carbon new development can all help reduce CO2 emissions at a neighbourhood level.
  • Road transport accounts for approximately 10% of the CO2 emissions in the Borough, much less than buildings. However reductions to transport emissions also have a major positive impact on local air quality through non-climate related emissions such as nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter.
  • Add your thoughts and ideas for actions below, or add them to our Camden Climate Map .

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    In My Neighbourhood

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