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Read the info below to learn about national work to address the climate crisis and scroll down to tell the Assembly what more needs to happen!

  • The Climate Change Act 2008 binds the UK to an 80% CO2 reduction by 2050 (relative to 1990 baseline). In June 2019, Government improved on this by agreeing to target a net zero carbon UK by 2050.
  • UK CO2 reductions to date have been achieved mostly through the power sector with almost a third of UK electricity now generated from renewable sources, such as wind and solar rather than coal and gas.
  • The Government's advisors, the Committee on Climate Change , now consider that the UK can and should be zero carbon by 2050. The report into zero carbon concludes that we need more heat networks, low emission vehicles and more renewable energy.
  • The recommendations also argue that emissions from aviation and shipping should be included in the national carbon budgets.
  • While Camden’s emissions are a small part of this global picture, local actions do have a global consequences as impacts from flying, shopping and eating habits are felt across the world.
  • Progress will require behaviour change including reduced meat consumption, less flying, less food waste and more awareness about the carbon footprint of the products and services that we buy.
  • Land use has a major impact on our environment. Balanced re-forestation and rewilding of agricultural land could help address the climate crisis without compromising food security.
  • Many of the changes required to cut CO2 emissions require bold policy decisions from national Government. Camden has two MPs in Parliament who have the ability to lobby on areas of importance to our community.
  • Add your thoughts and ideas for actions below, or add them to our Camden Climate Map .

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