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Camden Climate Assembly

In my neighbourhood contributions

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about 5 years ago


How easy do you think it will be to reduce CO2 emissions at a neighbourhood level?


Which of the following ideas would you like to see in your neighbourhood?

• Shopping locally

• Fewer deliveries

• Building retrofit

• Electric vehicle charging

• Cycle lanes

• More sustainable businesses

• Renewable energy projects

• Community projects

• Zero carbon new development

What other ideas do you have for reducing CO2 emissions from neighbourhoods in Camden?

Food market with no plastic packaging. More fishmongers and butchers in the area as opposed to supermarkets close off Camden high street (between the tube and the market) to pedestrian only. Reduce working ours of late-night places Get businesses to turn off all of the lights when shut. increase number of recycling points (e.g. clothes recycling bin behind Sainsbury's had been removed and there is none in sight anymore. Reduce number of shops that sell useless items aimed at tourists

What do you think the main obstacles and opportunities are?

Tourism seems to enable these businesses to grow and thus motivation to have more sustainable, more expensive items for sale is not there.

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Mostly positive

about 5 years ago


How easy do you think it will be to reduce CO2 emissions at a neighbourhood level?

Mostly positive

Which of the following ideas would you like to see in your neighbourhood?

• More sustainable businesses

• Fewer deliveries

• Building retrofit

• Renewable energy projects

• Shopping locally

• Zero carbon new development

• Electric vehicle charging

• Community projects

What do you think the main obstacles and opportunities are?

1) For businesses who lease buildings and pay only a service charge (potentially only based on floor area) for energy, water and waste consumption there is little incentive for them to reduce their impact. Sub-metering may help. 2) Where leaseholders are responsible for upkeep (and could install renewables or upgrade to more energy efficiency measures) the length of the lease may not cover the payback period. Additionally businesses (particularly smaller businesses) may not have the time or expertise to install these measures. 3) The cost of a 'green' business tariff for energy consumption (gas and electricity) may mean businesses do not procure this option. A collective scheme for small businesses to bulk purchase renewable energy may assist and general awareness raising of considering this in procurement. 4) Staff turnover in businesses - those with knowledge of the local sustainability issues and behaviour that impacts on them may not pass on the information to their replacements. 5) Sometimes a disconnection between international/national businesses to their impact on sustainability at the local level.

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about 5 years ago


How easy do you think it will be to reduce CO2 emissions at a neighbourhood level?


Which of the following ideas would you like to see in your neighbourhood?

• Community projects

• Electric vehicle charging

• Shopping locally

• Fewer deliveries

• Renewable energy projects

• Zero carbon new development

• More sustainable businesses

• Cycle lanes

• Building retrofit

What other ideas do you have for reducing CO2 emissions from neighbourhoods in Camden?

Terracycle, zero waste food shops, more lically grown produce avsilable in Lesther Lane market and significantly less meat based fast food. Action to tackle appalling amount of non recycled food containers and single use plastic arising from the fadt food stalls. Community laundrettd and repsir service for clothing and gadgets.

What do you think the main obstacles and opportunities are?

Commercialism. Lack of understanding from businesses and vustomers about the impact of their choices.

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Mostly negative

about 5 years ago


How easy do you think it will be to reduce CO2 emissions at a neighbourhood level?

Mostly negative

Which of the following ideas would you like to see in your neighbourhood?

• Electric vehicle charging

• Community projects

• Fewer deliveries

• Renewable energy projects

• Cycle lanes

• More sustainable businesses

• Building retrofit

• Zero carbon new development

• Shopping locally

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Mostly negative

about 5 years ago


How easy do you think it will be to reduce CO2 emissions at a neighbourhood level?

Mostly negative

What other ideas do you have for reducing CO2 emissions from neighbourhoods in Camden?

The food system is one of the major sources of greenhouse gases. Camden should look into how school meals, hospital meals etc can be sourced from more local and less intensive and lower carbon emitting agricultural sources. It should draw up plans in conjunction with schools, hospitals etc in the borough to a) educate people in such matters as food miles, the environmental costs of intensive agriculture etc; and b) try to encourage the collective sourcing of foods from more local and less polluting producers

What do you think the main obstacles and opportunities are?

The main obstacle is that the national pattern of agriculture is dominated by intensive agricultural methods but there are plenty of alternatives increasingly available, expressed in the growth of farmers' markets etc. The opportunity if for Camden as Council to put the food we consume centrally on the agenda when we discuss climate change and our future; it will allow us to bring together the very real environmental benefits of changing how we procure our food with the health benefits of a better pattern of food consumption and the economic benefits of smaller-scale and organic methods of production as alternatives to giant corporation control over our food supply at great environmental (and health) cost.

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